Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's been a while folks

From March to about one week ago I've been heads down and bum up on University studies, which has left me desperate for creative time. Infuriating, frustrating and downright depressing,

Not much happenin'.


Then I got a commission to make a guest wedding book through Discover Me, Emporium of Gorgeousness, which gave me the perfect excuse to down the study and make a book. A real book with actual paper and everything. Both exciting and ironic.  I say that because my study has all been on line, not a scrap of paper to be seen, just webpages, wiki's and blogs.

And paper feels sooooo good.

Really sexy.

So here's the book for Claire, and her man.

Handmade Indian paper cover, 40 leaf blank pages. Coptic bound. Claire, hope you enjoy, and here's to your happy and long marriage.

And here's to school holidays where I can have time to make more stuff.